Performance Speed Painter Renowned Speed Painting Artist and Event Entertainer.

Our highly skilled artists can paint large portraits of iconic figures, celebrities, company logos and even CEOs in less than ten minutes and can incorporate all manner of branding and bespoke designs making them the perfect choice for corporate events celebrations and product launches. Some of our acts have also devised UV luminous art shows that work perfectly at blackout venues and clubs.
Our talented speed painters offer conic portraits as our speed artist creates stunning likenesses of famous faces in just a few minutes. Out live event artist paints the canvases upside down so that the final reveal of the finished piece never fails to wow the crowd, and this magnetic entertainer can even make his live art masterpieces using revolving canvases. Though they may be some of the fastest painters in the world, our speed and glitter artists don’t compromise on quality and their artworks have gone on to raise as much as $100,00 each at auctions for charity.
Aerial Artistry offers you a fantastic selection of speed painters for events worldwide. Contact our team to arrange booking.
Speed Painter entertainment that will wow guests at corporate and private event create masterpieces in minutes

One of the best Speed will create masterpieces in minutes.

Wow factor entertainment that will wow guests at corporate and private events around the world

Live speed-painting show

Book World's Fastest Master Speed Painter for your next event!

Book world famous performance speed & glitter painter, extreme action artist

Book Speed Painter Revel and his high energy, passionate speed painting performance

Live speed-painting show

Speed painter in in NYC

Book Speed Painter Revel and his high energy, passionate speed painting performance

World-Class Speed Painter.

Prepare to be amazed with World Class speed painter

Speed painting is exactly what you'd imagine – art against the clock. Artists give themselves a limited time to finish a piece of work